Soon millions of Christians will be taking 40 days to contemplate the last days of Jesus Christ before the celebration of Easter. Here's what to know.
The meteoritic rise in number of modern churches embedded within crowded estates in Nairobi is increasingly becoming a silent concern to residents and landlords.
The month of Ramadan has great religious significance for Muslims. It is the month of worship, righteousness, piety and ...
Holy Cross Church on Buffalo's West Side evades closure following a counterproposal granting it remain open from the Diocese ...
When Legacy head boys basketball coach Connor Clay looks back to his time student-teaching for Pete Villecco at Aspen Creek ...
Reflecting on the visit of the Magi to the child Jesus, the pope encouraged Christians to follow in the footsteps of these ...
With only 19 parishes in his eparchy, the new bishop of Holy Protection of Mary Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Phoenix, Artur ...
The Oglesby Knights of Columbus, 307 E. Florence St., will host a fish and shrimp fry from 4 to 7 p.m. Friday, Feb. 21. Proceeds benefit Holy Family School.
For three weeks in January, 25 seminarians and two leaders from The St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul traveled and prayed in the ...
The Vatican has canceled papal audiences through the weekend and delegated others to cover for Pope Francis as the ...
Vatican authorities said Monday that Pope Francis has a complex infection in his respiratory system and will require more ...
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is expected to announce outgoing Nationals MP Keith Pitt as Australia's next ambassador to the Holy See. The surprise diplomatic move comes after the Morrison-era ...