This year, the 40-day-long Christian fast called Lent began on March 5 and will end on April 17. It seems the word ‘Lent’ ...
God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us ... Clean oblation, have mercy on us. Lamb without spot, have mercy on us. Most pure feast, have mercy on us. Food of Angels, have mercy on us.
The scripture emphasises that all children of God who dare to be different from the crowd, who focus on swimming against the tide of popular culture and practices, will face persecution.
Weekly sermon summaries for local and area churches.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, have mercy on us. Pray for us, Our Lady of Lourdes, Holy Mother of God, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray ...
"If you are committed to observing Lent sincerely, expect to stumble. Don't be too hard on yourself. Get back up, sprint ...
In recent weeks, worrying health bulletins about the pope may have led to the belief that his death was imminent, sparking ...
The Book of Revelation is one of the most awe-inspiring books in the New Testament, with scenes of cosmic conflict and ...
Like Aaron and his sons, Jesus is appointed by God to office of priest. His once-for-all sacrifice finally and forever ...
Hear how some of the greatest composers of choral music across the centuries have responded to the text of the Agnus Dei, ...