Some housing industry pros have cheered the Trump administration's actions to disable the CFPB, but appraisers have mixed ...
A special meeting of Reading City Council erupted into an argumentative debate over funding for the acquisition of a property ...
Stereotypes can give real estate agents and appraisers a bad reputation. Dean House, who lives in Halls, is trying to fight those preconceived notions. House, who came to East Tennessee from England ...
The job of an AMC is fairly straightforward: When someone wants to get a mortgage for a house, the lender will order an appraisal of the property to determine how much it's worth (and, by ...
The law firm of Morgan & Morgan is investigating the role of appraisal management companies (AMCs) in driving up the cost of ...
It is possible to secure a home equity loan without an appraisal, although it may be more difficult to find. And in today's high-value real estate climate, borrowers may be better served by completing ...
The job of an AMC is fairly straightforward: When someone wants to get a mortgage for a house, the lender will order an appraisal of the property to determine how much it's worth (and, by ...
WASHINGTON, Feb. 22. -- The House to-day passed a provision for the appropriation of $175,000 for the installation of a pneumatic tube system between the Appraisers' offices and the Custom House ...
An appraisal gap transpires when the estimated home's value is below the contracted sales price. For example, you have a purchase agreement to buy a house at $300,000, yet the appraiser returns a ...