It wasn't a pleasant WWE experience for one of ECW's most popular stars. The Sandman's beer-drinking ways made him a hit with fans back in the mid-1990s, and th ...
WWE Superstars will visit Dublin, Liverpool, Newcastle, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Cardiff and Lyon ahead of Clash in ...
Zack Snyder has celebrated the four year anniversary of the Snyder Cut, AKA Zack Snyder's Justice League. The four-hour ...
Twists haven’t gone away, and to this day they can be effective. What follows are, for me, some of the more jarring twists in ...
Wolverine and the X-Men was a great Marvel animated show. Here's why it got canceled after a single season (and what would've ...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has introduced a swathe of iconic events and characters from the comics, but I’m still ...