I was putting my two year old daughter to sleep. I told her a made up story about her magical unicorn named Chester. Then, I ...
I don’t know how you could hear my story and my testimony and not believe that there is a God.” That’s how Cameron Cortman ...
Connecting the dots between one man’s medical miracle, God’s plan for his life, and an undying trust is a fascinating one.
Chris Pratt has built a career on playing heroes from the lovable goofball Andy Dwyer on Parks and Recreation to Marvel s ...
" Hey, I'm Brandon! My goal is simple – to inspire you every day. I create relatable, real, and God-centered content. New ...
Drawing on centuries of hymnody, the songwriting collective asks the question: “What else could we be singing about?” ...
In order to pray BOLD prayers, you’ve got to be willing to ask God to search you, break you and send you. It’s in those times ...
Dolly Parton sent a 'love note' to those who've supported her since the death of her husband, saying, 'He's in God's arms now ...
Many people in the Old Testament were appointed to be the voice of God to prophesy (speak) to his people, some with warnings ...