BILLINGS — A Bozeman hunter’s bird dog has alerted health officials to the possibility that the tick that carries Lyme ...
Eric Siegel, a Ph.D. student in microbiologist Stephen Rich’s Laboratory of Medical Zoology and at the UMass Amherst-based New England Center of Excellence in Vector-borne Diseases (NEWVEC), has been ...
This bacterium is carried in the gut of the deer tick Ixodes dammini. The tick becomes infected after feeding on the blood of an infected animal. Once infected, the tick can transmit the disease to ...
To curb the spread of Lyme disease in the northeastern United States, scientists and public health experts for decades have ...
Will Juett had doubts when a hunter told him they'd found something on the 02 Ranch even more rare than a trophy buck. An ...
Maine is home to 14 different tick species, with the deer tick and the American dog tick being the most common. Also read: Maine broke its tick-borne disease record in 2024 Deer ticks, which can ...
No matter where you go in the world, it’s quite difficult to avoid ticks. They inhabit all seven continents and all fifty states in the U.S. There are over ten species of ticks in Vermont alone. Here, ...
Both males and females have medium brown, oval bodies with small mouthparts and brown legs. These ticks feast mostly on deer, elk, and moose, and they are rarely seen by humans. They’re not known to ...
“The Black-Legged Tick, most commonly known as the deer tick, has a brown body with dark legs. Lone Star Ticks are named for the single white spot on the backs of adult females.” Geography ...
I’ve been hunting in the woods lately, but without a firearm or a bow. Vernal pools are boiling with mating wood frogs. Honking geese fill the skies. Trees have not yet begun to bud so the sun ...