Then Jesus blesses the food and shares it among the crowd. There's plenty for everyone - and there's even some left over. It's a miracle! 1. Entry music Play some music as the children enter the hall.
"The gospel of Luke records the moment when ‘a woman in the crowd raised her voice' and said to Jesus: ‘Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts that you sucked! (Lk 11:27).
Today's short Gospel reading about the feeding of the four thousand reveals a stark contrast between the mindsets of Jesus and his disciples. Both pose questions, but the nature of their questions is ...
Jesus and the disciples are on their way to “a quiet place” to get some rest, but they were followed on foot by a large crowd ... raises it to Heaven, blesses it and gives it to the disciples ...
The Gospel readings from The Sermon on the Plain are provocative and potent – calling on us to think differently about love, ...