Author Richard Foster tells how, as a teenager, he signed up for an internship in Alaska, thinking he would have the adventure of “working on the first high school above the Arctic Circle.” The ...
In the Beatitudes, Jesus turns the popular meaning of 'blessed' on its head.
It’s only through His grace that we receive love instead of condemnation, and mercy instead of judgment. Today, let’s ...
No doubt, Prof was a mere mortal, but a very gifted one, who served his Lord Jesus Christ with all the gifts He gave him. In ...
The greatest gift in the world — salvation — is completely free. God offers this most precious gift to everyone, and it remains available to each of us today. Romans 6:23 reminds us: ‘For the wages of ...
"You can bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, and endure all things. Because the love that empowers you ...
On the historical and spiritual grounds of Mt. Nebo in Jordan, where Moses is said to have seen the Promised Land, Phil ...
Biblical teaching generally pushes Christians to advocate for submission to authorities, whether in politics or in the church ...
The question of why Jesus is the only path to salvation and how "good people" who are not Christians, might be excluded from ...
Understanding of these four parts [breasts, clitoris, hymen, and womb] has changed over time—positing at some times that ...
and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit." 26 The apostles and their collaborators offer Baptism to anyone who believed in Jesus: Jews, the God-fearing, pagans. 27 Always, Baptism is seen ...
A few weeks ago when Lent began, I began to hear people talk about what they might give up. Things like chocolate, coffee and other really yummy food items were at the top of the list. In a world ...