David Rodriguez Muñoz won first place for his work covering the recovery of a gunshot survivor. Two Detroit Free Press ...
Companies spend millions developing logos to represent a brand. Some of them have hidden meanings steeped in the history and ...
EXCLUSIVE: After winning practically every single award out there for his turn as The Penguin, Colin Farrell is looking to ...
Throughout its 83-year history, VOA has been regularly underfunded, according to historian Alan Heil. As recently as 2009, it ...
Five states authorize the firing squad as an execution method. Arizona could join the ranks if lawmakers decide to send the matter to voters in 2026.
Note that FBI SWAT is not the same as the Agency’s Hostage Response Team (HRT), though both are elite units. In the 1980s, HRT was using the iconic Browning Hi-Power single-action 9mm autopistol as ...