Joining the military can be an exciting and life-changing experience. There are a lot of reasons young men and women across the United States show an interest in the Armed Forces. Some have a ...
The Philippine Marine Corps warmly welcomes a new set of aspiring Marines in an Oath-Taking Ceremony and Reception Rites held ...
So, if the stories I share on “Take 5” inspire someone to take the Oath of Enlistment and serve in uniform or inspire a recent college grad to ditch their minimum-wage go-nowhere-job and ...
PARKERSBURG, W.Va. (WTAP) - Each month WTAP and Morrison Incorporated honors first responders for the work they do protecting us. The March Golden Shield award was presented to a paramedic and the ...
These maps display data from a single computer model. Please note they may be different to the Bureau's official products including local and coastal waters forecasts, tropical cyclone warnings, and ...
The US Military Has Cared About Climate Change Since the Dawn of the Cold War – For Good Reason ...