We’re now deep in Lent and people who go to church enjoy singing a seasonal bit of chant with the refrain Attende Domine et ...
For it, God caused the Incarnation; as a result of it, the Resurrection occurred, the Ascension took place, and the Second Advent will usher ... to be ratified by the mighty power of God in ...
God of all creation, whose mighty power raised Jesus from the dead ... we must always keep vigil for the advent of the Risen Lord, with the flame of faith alive in our hearts.
We see this especially in her Magnificat, where she says (Lk 1:46ff), “My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord; my spirit rejoices in God my savior…The Mighty One has done great things for ...
Celebrate the season of Advent with these powerful Bible verses that will help you meditate and focus on the coming Savior, Jesus Christ. Advent prepares our hearts and minds for the holiday (holy day ...
But the storms never have full reign, for right in the midst, He reminds us: You are held secure by a Mighty God. You may feel some wind, hear loud thunder and see darkness or rain all around. But His ...