Amen. At the end of the Rosary any suitable prayers may be said, though the following are the most common: the Hail Holy Queen (p. 470-471) followed by the prayer O God, whose only-begotten Son ...
How many graces have I received in these years from the Blessed Virgin through the Rosary: Magnificat anima mea Dominum! I wish to lift up my thanks to the Lord in the words of his Most Holy ...
The holy rosary educates the mind ... In medieval times, a knight would unsheathe his sword from his left side since most people are right-handed. This is why even today priests or sisters ...
As Pope Francis languishes in hospital, thousands gather to pray the rosary - Faithful are leaning on a centuries-old ...
Many Catholics recall similar vigils held in St. Peter’s Square when Pope John Paul II was hospitalized in the final days of ...
will gather in St. Peter’s Square at 9:00 p.m. to recite the Holy Rosary for the health of the Holy Father,” the Holy See Press Office said in a statement. The prayer initiative comes as the ...
As of Monday, March 10, the evening Rosary prayer for Pope Francis' health will be held earlier inside the Paul VI Hall to ...
led Thursday night’s Rosary. “We gather in prayer for the health of the Holy Father Francis with Mary, Mother of the Church and of Good Counsel,” he said in his opening prayer.