COMMENTARY: Lent is the perfect time to rediscover the Act of Contrition and the divine mercy it calls us to embrace.
In order to pray BOLD prayers, you’ve got to be willing to ask God to search you, break you and send you. It’s in those times ...
This is my one sweet prayer, dear Lord, my faith, my trust, my love, But most of all in that last hour, when death points up above, O sweet savior, may thy face smile on my soul all free.
The practitioner of prayer who utilizes the psalms soon recognizes that God apparently appreciates the full range of human emotions. Got a problem with God?  Go straight to Him. Challenge Him.
A groom's mother went viral over what she did. The bride had complained about feeling sick on the wedding day, spurring her ...
The chancellor received a Vatican appointment earlier this year reflecting Rome’s recognition of the Oregon seminary’s growth ...
So that, having engaged here below your heavenly power, I may offer my thanksgiving and homage to the most loving of fathers. Oh, St. Joseph, I never weary contemplating you and Jesus asleep in ...
The psychological theory of cognitive dissonance tells us our brains are hardwired to desire resolution and that uncertainty is an uncomfortable, untenable place to stay long-term. As theologian Brad ...
For my family St. Patrick’s Day was a holy day, though not for the reasons you might imagine.
To celebrate St. Patrick's Day, columnist Sue Bowman reflects on her time spent in Ireland, and how the life of the real St.
While the season of Lent is marked by fasting and abstinence, cooking for a hungry family in this season of prayer and ...
According to 2016 data from the Japan Congress on Evangelism, 81 percent of Protestant churches in Japan have fewer than 50 ...