Oxen are some of the world’s strongest animal species, which is why they were used to perform many tasks and pull heavy ...
To us, an ox is a domesticated – meaning it lives with humans – desexed type of cattle. Usually they are used as “beasts of burden”, animals that carry carts, move cargo, or plough the ...
E verybody loves a good love story, and this one that Asha's Animal and Farm Sanctuary shared recently will warm your heart.
TASS/. The number of musk oxen, which in an experiment had been brought to the Zavyalov Island in the Sea of Okhotsk, continues to grow and now is more than 30 animals, the experiment's author ...
The first day of the Lunar New Year is on February 12. For many communities, the date ushers in the Year of the Ox, though for others, it's the Year of the Buffalo. Asian communities across the ...