Different types of skin rashes include those caused by allergic reactions, infections, insect bites, or health conditions. Examples include eczema, chickenpox, psoriasis, and shingles. It can be ...
MIS-C is a serious inflammatory shock that affects children. It can occur several weeks after a COVID infection and can be ...
2202.HK China Vanke Co., Ltd.
A rash on the inner thigh or near the groin can be caused by close-fitting clothing, leg shaving, or situations that result in little airflow and sweat that can trigger a rash. Common skin disorders ...
Because it can be a sign of a serious medical problem, you should see a healthcare provider right away if you develop this type of rash, especially if you have other symptoms such as fever, bleeding, ...
1. Newman DK, Cumbee RP, Rovner ES. Indwelling (transurethral and suprapubic) catheters. In: Newman DK, Rovner ES, Wein AJ, editors. Clinical Application of Urologic ...