The guided-missile destroyer, which left the Middle East in June, will help "restore territorial integrity" at the US border, ...
The Pentagon has deployed a Navy destroyer on an unusual mission to bolster security at the southern U.S. border, defense ...
The deportees, largely from Asian countries, were part of a deal struck between the Trump administration and Panama and Costa ...
Costa Rica and Panama are coordinating to expedite southbound migrant transit through their countries along the same route ...
American access to the Panama Canal, one of several new directives outlined in what amounts to a major overhaul of US ...
Panama's government reports that 2,200 migrants have crossed back into the country heading south this year while only 408 ...
Hoping to reunite with friends and family in the U.S., Omagh paid smugglers to move him north through Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador ...
Under the Trump administration, Border Patrol apprehensions are sinking to levels never before experienced in Customs and ...
Panama’s Security Minister Frank Ábrego says Panama will begin the process of issuing humanitarian passes to 112 migrants ...
From there Panama will bus them to its Darien province, which borders Colombia. Costa Rican Security Minister Mario Zamora said that the effort will focus on Colombians, Venezuelans and ...
CBP publishes February border data; “Mass deportation” updates; Active-duty deployment nears 9,600 soldiers; Guantánamo base is currently empty; The impact in Panama and elsewhere; Congressional oppon ...