Endangered salamanders threatened by sprawling suburbs will get car-free access to small stretches of the ...
Bolitoglossa digitigrada, or the Rio Santa Rosa mushroom tongue salamander, was described using 10 specimens collected from ...
Endangered salamanders threatened by sprawling suburbs will get car-free access to small stretches of the Greater Toronto ...
Earlier this year, partner organizations released 50 federally endangered reticulated flatwood salamanders on privately owned land in Pace.
Males are more uniformly brown, and all the salamanders are relatively small. E. Castillo-Urbina via Herrera-Alva, et al (2025) Zootaxa The salamanders appear to be geographically isolated from ...
Endangered salamanders threatened by sprawling suburbs will get car-free access to small stretches of the Greater Toronto Area this month as they emerge from their subterranean winter shelters and ...
They didn’t need my help. Lapham had already given them everything they needed, by rebuilding a small piece of the habitat that has sustained the spotted salamander for millions of years.