There is an awareness and effectiveness of QR codes as a bridge to digital information; but how can this change the usual ...
A teenage boy accepted an Instagram follow request from what seemed to be a girl’s account, despite suspecting it might be ...
PayShap, the rapid payments platform developed by the bank-owned clearing house BankservAfrica, is working to integrate QR ...
To avoid QRishing scams, always use a trusted QR code scanner app that includes security features that can detect malicious ...
Tap the Share button. In most versions of Android, this should look like a lesser-than symbol with connected dots. Select ...
The Malaysian government plans to expand the use of the Immigration Department’s QR code clearance system for foreign travellers.
Data shows it takes about five seconds to clear immigration using the QR code system via the MyBorderPass app. Read more at ...
You'll soon see a big change in the way your Gmail account is secured, and how your two-factor authenticated logins are ...
You can share the QR code with your customers in your marketing materials or hang it in your store to help them leave you a ...
The Miami Parking Authority has removed QR codes from parking signs citywide after reports of fraudulent stickers leading ...
QR code verification is more secure than SMS authentication as there is no message containing an access code. No code means ...