In positioning himself as a junior partner to the president and doing his bidding on matters large and small, the Louisiana ...
Joanna McClinton (D., Philadelphia) as House speaker Tuesday, despite having a 101-101 tie on the first day of the session. McClinton, who rose to the speaker’s rostrum in 2023 to be the first ...
In a dramatic two-ballot vote Tuesday, Republican state Rep. Dustin Burrows of Lubbock clinched the title of speaker of the Texas House.
Republicans lawlessly presided over the Minnesota House, holding sham elections and fake committees. There was no violence, ...
State Rep. Bryan Cutler took to the House speaker’s rostrum in the Pennsylvania Capitol on Tuesday with a black folder in ...
After learning how to turn on the microphone from the rostrum, Anderson took the role again and declared a quorum present. House Republicans then nominated and voted unanimously for Rep. Lisa Demuth, ...
A new Michigan Legislature met Wednesday. Some of the first policies lawmakers plan to pursue touch minimum wage and government transparency laws.
In the meeting of the House of Representatives, the parliamentary committee unanimously passed the bill related to ...
Joanna McClinton, a Philadelphia Democrat, as House speaker Tuesday, despite having a 101-101 tie on the first day of the session. McClinton, who rose to the speaker’s rostrum in 2023 to be the ...
Patrick said from the rostrum at the front of the chamber ... "This is the Texas House. We need an elected speaker who will uphold our traditions." Rep. Frank James, R-Wichita Falls, countered ...