A trial for two men charged with murder in connection with the shooting death of a teenager in Saginaw Township has been rescheduled to August. Donsha Wesby-Whitley, 25, and Antrell Wright, 24, will ...
A Bridgeport Township man is a step closer to facing a jury on a murder charge after his friend testified against him.
Christina Renee-Somers Richardson was arraigned Tuesday, Feb. 11, in the Midland County District Court on a felony charge of ...
GENESEE CO., Mich. (WNEM) - The Genesee County Jail’s lobby doors will be open to provide shelter from the cold to those who ...
Activities of the Midland County Sheriff's Office on Thursday, Feb. 7, including traffic stops and residence checks.
A major snowstorm is expected to hit mid-Michigan beginning the afternoon of Wednesday, Feb. 12, and linger into Thursday ...
Feb. 5 Jon Charles Bolme, 59, ninth-offense operating while intoxicated, found guilty at jury trial, five years state prison, five years extended supervision, $6,183 fine, lifetime driver's license ...
4:33 a.m. - Deputies arrested a 59-year-old man for operating under the influence of drugs following a traffic stop for moving violations. The man was lodged in the Midland County Jail and a report ...
Forty-eight people convicted of shoplifting from the Walmart in Grand Blanc Township will be required to wash customers' cars ...
Huron County 73B District Court cases disposed of during the period of Jan. 28-Feb. 5: Hunter Anthony Chaplinski, 23, Port ...
Communities declared snow emergencies and activated warming and respite centers to prepare, while schools canceled classes ...
Huron and Tuscola County Sheriff's Dive Team trains in icy Saginaw Bay to enhance rescue skills for emergencies in winter conditions.