Steen Heidemann’s collection will be installed as a semi-permanent exhibition in the Toledo Cathedral in Spain.
Besides material relief, the shepherd of Los Angeles has also been addressing the spiritual needs of his flock.
This study investigated the impact of spirituality and SCAM (so-called alternative medicine) use on perceptions of vaccine harmfulness, with a focus on COVID-19 and mandatory childhood vaccinations.
MACAU: A Catholic association in Macau has launched a virtual video-based Way of the Cross for the first time, saying it ...
I have always thought that certain disabilities would be especially difficult. I can’t imagine being deaf and not being able ...
Weekly sermon summaries for local and area churches.
By Kathy Berken On Deck How do Lent’s 40 days of penance and charity, culminating in the Triduum — Holy ...Read More ...
"We've always been challenged with workforce housing," said Sedona Mayor Scott Jablow. "But over the past 10 years ... it's gotten worse." ...
If you are not rooted in the Gospel, then false teaching can decimate your shallow faith. You can only defeat lies by holding ...
The spiritual meaning of a rabbit crossing your path varies in significance. Every spiritual message is personalized. It's made precisely for you. So, you have to interpret it yourself. Some people ...
The season of Lent began this week. Though I’ve never attended a church that observes Lent, I’ve been doing some soul-searching and researching about the Christian tradition. I learned that Lent is an ...
NORTH CHARLESTON, S.C. (WCIV) — Four families are receiving assistance from the American Red Cross after an apartment fire in ...