Hog Cycle, Balloon And Freeze, Giant And Miner, Skeleton Giant And Elixir Collector are top deck recommendations for Retro Royale. With the Retro Royale event available for a little over 2 weeks ...
If you’re into tarot, then you know how reassuring tarot readings can be. Tarot cards can confirm something you suspected or ...
Are you doing way more than you ought to be right now? It can feel like a wonderful compliment when people admire how much you can accomplish daily. But, at what expense, Taurus? Are you happy ...
Have you had to depend more on someone than you feel comfortable doing lately? It can take time to pull back the needy side of you and work on learning new skills or finding time to do things ...
Does someone know how you feel? Have the courage to talk it out while the moon supports Mars. Don’t expect them to be able to read your mind. Lay it on the line instead of skirting around the issue.