More than 1000 people -- shoulder-to-shoulder in bleachers, on the ground and on folding chairs -- jammed the Clackamas ...
Jamie Strahm, 40, of The Dalles, took over care of the boy after she started dating his father in 2014. The child at the time ...
But the man who may have broken the case after 67 years never bought the “foul play” theories about what happened to the ...
The taxes, and the federal matching dollars they qualify for, are one of the cornerstones of funding the state’s Medicaid ...
Oregon House and Senate Republicans are continuing to push back against the state's wildfire hazard map, introducing a bill ...
Tech companies are revamping computing — from how tiny chips are built to the way they are arranged, cooled and powered — in the race to build artificial intelligence that recreates the human brain.
Oregon lawmakers are considering a bill that would require certain large energy users, like data centers and cryptocurrency ...
The findings come as the Oregon Legislature is considering a bill to improve landfill methane monitoring and reporting.
The forecast will be updated again in May before lawmakers sign off on the state's two-year budget that begins July 1.
TREATS The Dalles, OR After lunch at Cafe Enza, follow the scent of waffle cones to Shannon’s Ice Cream, housed in a ...
The sun shone bright, birds zipped around the sky and tiny, vivid purple, yellow and white flowers flared at my feet.
Oregon lawmakers have introduced several proposed laws centered ... Senate Bill 626, sponsored by Sen. Daniel Bonham, R-The Dalles, amends existing crime statutes to include digitally created images.