Meanwhile the word of the Lord had come to Jeremiah while he was shut up in the court of the prison, saying, “Go and speak to ...
Some Christians might think this is a silly question because asking for God’s glory to fall is such a popular phrase in ...
I decided to confront the Director-General with the news that my God would remove him from office through a television announcement.  In 1986, I was appointed Special Adviser to Nigeria’s Minister of ...
Ministry sometimes feels like a slap in the face, often when you least expect it to happen. Somebody with more authority ...
Keep on believing, hoping and trusting God. Thousands of the people of Judah following Rehoboam planned to go and fight for the acquired lands, but God ...
The Lord God took Abram outside and said, “Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you can. Just so,” he added, “shall your descendants be.” Abram put his faith in the Lord, who credited it to him ...
As you spend time reading his word, read with fresh eyes. You never know what you may have missed the first time. Grant ...
Beloved, we are still discussing the significance of the figure three in the Holy Bible and what it means to, us as ...
God created the universe and placed the deepest mysteries of its workings far beyond human comprehension. Thus, when ...
Most people consider that we can make a choice of life according to our will. It is just a matter of what pleases or what ...
My wife and I are travelling to Korea during Spring Break, and I’ve been invited to speak at one of our partner churches in ...
"If you are committed to observing Lent sincerely, expect to stumble. Don't be too hard on yourself. Get back up, sprint ...