Migrant God,' offers a theological vision for the ways Christian faith transcends national borders and is rooted in ...
In January, a jury found Jeanne Whitefeather and Donald Ray Lantz guilty on multiple counts of forced labor, human ...
When applied to the Bible it doesn’t take long to see that his “has God said?” (Gen. 3:1) thinking, now at work in the Church ...
In his book, Mohler, who is president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, draws attention to a biblical teaching ...
The polygamous 19th-century prophet and second president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints envisioned that ...
A new book brings fresh focus on the reality and policy of migration in the Americas by sharing the testimonies of those ...
Many Christians still misunderstand who God is, or worse, misrepresent the nature and mission of God, Rob Sellers says.
According to the Sages, it was Esther who asked the Jewish community to write the Megillah, so that they would remember her: ...
James Keane's book Reading Culture Through Catholic Eyes highlights "50 Writers, Thinkers, and Firebrands" whose ...
Ancient Rome unfairly has a reputation for having stolen or copied their mythology and religious traditions from the Greeks ...
Most secularists believe that these religious apocalyptic visions of the future are absurd, although many secularists themselves fervently believe that artificial intelligence, run away genetic ...
In YA, a girl gets a letter and tries to clear her dad’s name, and a new middle-grade Max book: The New York Times bestseller ...