Jennifer Lynch wrote "The Secret Diary of Laura Palmer" off an outline that we had come up, and then we did "The Cooper Tapes" that my brother wrote, and "Welcome to Twin Peaks: Access Guide to ...
Amanda Seyfried reflects on working with David Lynch on Twin Peaks, praising his creative vision, warmth, and collaborative ...
One of the most significant characters in the first two seasons of Twin Peaks was Donna Hayward, Laura Palmer’s best friend and an important part of the show’s early mystery. Donna is obsessed ...
Originally broadcast in 1990, Twin Peaks became a massive global hit developing ... into the murder of local teenager Laura Palmer. The show received widespread critical acclaim and is considered ...
And Twin Peaks was a lot like that. You loved those characters. And after a while, it was almost like it kind of didn’t even matter who killed Laura Palmer. It just didn’t matter! And I was ...
The director of documentary 'I Know Catherine, the Log Lady' talks about interviewing David Lynch and Catherine Coulson in ...