Necropsies conducted on two of the calves revealed high quantities of toxic Japanese yew (Taxus cuspidata) in their stomachs.
Relationships between wolves on the National Elk Refuge “go public” quickly as their privacy falls prey to the prying eyes of ...
Japanese yew is also suspected to have killed several yearling elk that same year between Hamilton ... berries in late summer/early fall, while male plants produce flowers that may resemble ...
Japanese yew is also suspected to have killed several yearling elk that same year between Hamilton ... berries in late summer/early fall, while male plants produce flowers that may resemble ...
The press release read, "Japanese yew is also suspected to have killed several yearling elk that same year between ... in ...
As depredation numbers rise, California wildlife experts work with ranchers to strike a balance between protecting gray wolves and preserving cattle.
Japanese yew is also suspected to have killed several yearling elk that same year between Hamilton ... berries in late summer/early fall, while male plants produce flowers that may resemble ...
Japanese yew is also suspected to have killed several yearling elk that same year between Hamilton ... berries in late summer/early fall, while male plants produce flowers that may resemble ...
Japanese yew is also suspected to have killed several yearling elk that same year between Hamilton and Darby ... Female plants produce bright red berries in late summer/early fall, while male plants ...