A weed with serrated ... The invasive plant has tall, upright stems with yellow flowers. The fronds, green unripe seeds, and ripe seeds of wild fennel are edible and can be used as a spice ...
Now is the time to apply the first dose of a pre-emergent herbicide to prevent germination of the annual weeds.
Koochiching County officials added noxious weeds to the annual Minnesota Agricultural Department commissioner’s order. The commissioner’s order lists three weeds for eradication, nine ...
By BROOKE KNICK Natural Resources Conservation Service Soil Conservation Technician While driving around Koochiching county, I noticed a lot of dead flower stalks standing high above the ...
it is a common garden weed. A rounded, bushy, much branched annual, 1/2 to 3 feet tall, reproducing by seed. Stems are usually red or purple striped. Leaves are alternate; the first are long, ...
Broad-leaved fleabane is a common weed in waste places and on roadsides, but has become more common on farms in New Zealand in recent years. The stems can grow over a metre tall, are not readily eaten ...
In the rosette stage, Hedge mustard can be confused with many of the other Brassicaceae and Asteraceae weeds which start as rosettes, though it does have quite pronounced lobes. It has small yellow ...