Watch the exceptional process of sawing wood logs and transforming them into stunning art through dedication and skill. This video showcases the meticulous craftsmanship involved in turning raw logs ...
Wood carving as a hobby or profession is whittling down in this day and age but longstanding proponents of the craft remain ...
Elias Lucas fell in love with ultimate while living abroad, and has already spread spirit of the game to three schools en ...
And while there are some clear throughlines in each of Obsidian’s projects that show how they’ve evolved or iterated on their own ideas and interests, there’s also an essential secret to the studio’s ...
One of the most involved scenes in the film takes place at the end, where Gromit pursues Feathers through an aqueduct on a ...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed. Find your next game ...