What would you name two bald eagle chicks? Talon? Sam Eagle? Leslie? Whatever your choice, it could become reality.
A fundraiser will allow fans to name Jackie and Shadow's eaglets -- so long as their name suggestions pass the scrutiny of ...
Talk about a tender and uplifting way to conclude the first full day of springtime: The nonprofit organization that oversees ...
The operators of the livestream tracking Jackie and Shadow's nest announced it will be hosting a fundraiser that helps name the pair's two chicks.
The nonprofit that runs a livestream enjoyed by more than a million followers is letting fans name two baby eagles after a ...
Friends of the Big Bear Valley are looking for the people's help to name Jackie and Shadow’s two eaglets. Why it matters: ...
The daily life of Jackie and Shadow from their nest is livestreamed online and draws in thousands of views. In early March, Big Bear’s beloved bald eagles Jackie and Shadow hatched three eggs. Two ...
Help name the newest stars of the nest! The contest to submit names for Jackie and Shadow’s viral bald eagle chicks is ...
A fundraiser will allow fans to name Jackie and Shadow's eaglets -- so long as their name suggestions pass the scrutiny of ...
San Bernardino flying squirrels nicknamed Fiona and Fast Freddie have made regular cameos on Jackie and Shadow's nest cam feed. A spinoff, anyone?
Friends of Big Bear Valley said Friday that the "chick naming contest is on," and the winning names will be chosen by Big ...