It is not common for the oarfish, a deep sea, ribbon shaped creature, to wash up on shore, but when it does, some believe it ...
U.S. oarfish sightings continue to spark debate over whether these rare deep-sea creatures sense seismic activity before ...
Oarfish sightings have long been linked to earthquakes in popular myths but scientists are now exploring whether these ...
In Japanese folklore, appearances of these elusive marine creatures dubbed ‘doomsday fish’ are believed to foreshadow ...
A rarely seen deep-sea creature, whose sighting is often associated with forthcoming disaster, left Mexican beachgoers ...
A huge oarfish washed up near La Paz in Baja California Sur in 2020. Credit: Fernando Cavalin. On a sunlit beach in Lanzarote ...
A rarely seen oarfish appeared in shallow water in Baja California Sur, Mexico, on Feb. 9, surprising beachgoers. The ...
Oarfish are rarely documented by scientists, but one was seen this month by a group visiting a beach in Mexico.
On Feb. 9, beachgoers captured a video of a rare “doomsday” oarfish on the shores of Baja California Sur, Mexico. According ...
An oarfish — a super rare fish commonly referred to as the “doomsday fish” — recently washed ashore on a beach in Mexico, ...
A rare oarfish, often called the "doomsday fish," was spotted in Mexico—just days after another deep-sea creature, a deep-sea ...
Beachgoers were shocked to discover an oarfish — a creature whose appearance, according to folklore, can be a good omen or a ...