BURTON, MI - Genesee County Parks and Recreation has announced plans for an upcoming prescribed burn on two prairie habitats ...
LOS ANGELES - On the first day of March, California Gov. Gavin Newsom proclaimed a State of Emergency to ‘fast-track critical forest management projects’ to protect communities at risk of wildfires .
The dry and windy conditions will be ripe for embers from a cigarette, a chain on the back of a truck or sparks from ...
A 588-acre prescribed burn is being conducted on the Watermelon Pond area of Goethe State Forest north of the town of Bronson ...
A new prescribed burn, called Pacific Valley Station, was initiated today at 2:02 p.m. in Monterey County. The prescribed ...
Gov. Gavin Newsom proclaimed a state of emergency over the weekend "to fast-track critical projects protecting communities ...
According to the Shawnee National Forest, wildland firefighters are conducting a prescribed fire inside the Pounds Hollow ...
Recent favorable weather has prompted the Department of Fish and Wildlife to plan a prescribed burn in Douglas County.
Some Denver area residents may see smoke on the northeast side of the metro Monday, but officials said not to worry.
A new prescribed burn, named /ts/birch Hill, was initiated today at 9:32 a.m. in San Diego County. The prescribed fire has ...
On the shores of Lake Tahoe at Emerald Bay State Park grows what some consider to be the most iconic old-growth forest in the ...
If conditions are favorable, the USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit in coordination with the Tahoe Fire & ...