A German court has started hearing a Peruvian farmer’s case against major energy company RWE. His lawsuit argues that global ...
A Peruvian farmer is going head to head with German energy giant in a climate law test case. LIMA, Peru — A landmark climate ...
experts say the case brought by Peruvian farmer Saul Luciano Lliuya against German energy giant RWE could set a significant precedent in the fight to hold major polluters accountable for climate ...
Saul Luciano Lliuya is taking German energy utility RWE to court over climate damages. The case could set a worldwide precedent for corporate responsibility and ...
A Peruvian farmer, Saul Luciano Lliuya, is suing German energy giant RWE, claiming its emissions have contributed to the ...
A landmark legal case in Germany, brought by Peruvian farmer Saul Luciano Lliuya, may set precedent by holding RWE ...
A German court on Monday resumes hearing a landmark case brought by a Peruvian farmer who argues that the German energy giant RWE’s emissions have contributed to the melting of Andean glaciers ...
A Peruvian farmer faces off in a German court Monday in a "David and Goliath" battle against an energy giant, demanding the ...
Saul Luciano Lliuya wants RWE to share in the cost of protecting his hometown from flood risks - Copyright AFP Luka GONZALES Saul Luciano Lliuya wants RWE to share in ...
In western Germany, a case against energy company RWE could set a worldwide precedent for corporate responsibility and climate damages. What exactly is at stake ...
In west Germany, a case against RWE could set a worldwide precedent for corporate responsibility and climate damages. What exactly is at stake? https://p.dw.com/p ...