如需领事服务(例如旅行证件、签证、荷兰护照、居住证或前往荷兰旅行),请查看网站NetherlandsWorldwide ...
非荷兰公民前往荷兰做短期访问时,有可能需要申请申根签证。荷兰是欧洲26个申根国家之一,在申根国家之间旅行不受签证限制,各国统一签发申根签证。我们同时提供荷属加勒比地区的签证 ...
荷兰驻上海总领事馆的工作重点是促进上海、浙江、江苏和安徽的经济关系、贸易促进和领事支持。总领事馆的经济部门包括经济事务部、创新部和荷兰外商投资局。 您可在此找到驻上海总领事 ...
A visa may be required for legal entrance into the Netherlands. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs assists the following people in obtaining a visa to travel to the Netherlands: newly arriving foreign ...
正常工作日早9:00至中午12:00, 下午13:00至17:30。
The Netherlands is represented throughout the United States. The embassy and consulates-general are staffed by diplomats, under the leadership of the ambassador and consuls-general respectively. They ...
An estimated 12,000 Dutch people live in Israel. The consular department fulfills a number of important tasks for Dutch people abroad, such as a first application or renewal of a regular travel ...
¡Bienvenidos/as a la página web de la Embajada del Reino de los Países Bajos en Lima! Es un gran honor representar desde Lima al Reino de los Países Bajos en Perú, Bolivia y Ecuador. Mi misión es ...
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Questions via e-mail, please use the contact form (for non-consular inquiries only). For consular services (e.g. travel documents, visa, Dutch passport, certificate of residence or travelling to the ...
Considering the enormous challenges for Ethiopian youth to find jobs, our development programmes target young people as much as possible. The Netherlands gives a serious emphasis to improving the ...
Inscrições abertas para submissão de propostas de colaboração cultural entre os Países Baixos e o Brasil, até 23 de Março de 2025. (english below) Buscando facilitar a cooperação internacional entre ...