On March 11, the AUSD Board of Education discussed student growth in reading and math, as well as upcoming curriculum changes ...
As students walk through the doors at Mount Royal Elementary\Middle School, they're greeted by a now award-winning principal, ...
Bright spots in South Carolina show a handful of school districts that leading the way in academic recovery post-pandemic.
Two letters on bias in academia.
Overall, the percentage of students from kindergarten to third grade who scored at or above the benchmark in literacy rose from 47% to 51%. In both the reading and math assessments given to students ...
While the end results of tax reform efforts and the state budget in the Indiana General Assembly remains to be seen, local ...
Have you ever wondered what are the best Free Online learning websites are for kids? So many websites claim to b ...
When the pandemic hit, Massachusetts was considered a national leader in education. In reality, reading and math scores have ...
Welty principal Ricky Neff, a 1998 New Philadelphia graduate, was approved as the Quakers' new athletic director at Monday's ...
Oregon student outcomes rank amongst the lowest in the nation. A new bill would add assessments, metrics and oversight in ...
A few years after the state began to push schools to adopt a new, systematic way to teach kids how to read, Louisiana ...
Fifth grade math scores increased by 25% ... Plus, Penzone said, a significant share of students learning English as a second ...