This new major update for Hades 2, titled The Warsong Update ... Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Apollo and Hestia, Demeter, Athena, and Artemis have all had one Boon cut and one new Boon added.
In Hades 2, the Black Coat is one of the most exciting ... the Black Coat's high-damage playstyle. Support Fire by Artemis is also recommended because it fires seeking arrows whenever you hit ...
Hades 2's newest Warsong Update adds more content that brings fans closer to the endgame, so this is the perfect time to start now.
Artemis will also show up there sometimes, giving musical accompaniment and the opportunity for her and Melinoë to sing a duet. Hades 2, even in its Early Access guise, is an incredible ...
This Hades 2 update isn’t too big, given that we saw the larger one released last week, but there are some key adjustments within. For example, there are increases in Nocturnal Arms and ...
The Hades 2 Warsong Update adds a new Olympian, a final boss for the Surface route, and Boons like Ares' for more magic focus. The update also revamps Boons from other gods. Players can expect a ...
Here are the highlights straight from Supergiant Games: More details are outlined in the Hades 2 patch notes published alongside the update. Speaking to the development process, Supergiant Games ...