ESA Marathon Hearing – The legislative push to use public dollars to help parents pay for private schools drew people from ...
The firm owns more than 30 properties between Interstate 35 and Congress Avenue and has struggled with leasing.
Evolutionary biologists working in the Philippines have long puzzled over a hard-to-find amphibian mystery: the Leyte Chorus ...
Austin is a food lovers paradise. From hearty Tex-Mex to sushi omakase, we break down some of our favorite spots in the Texas ...
Austin musician Daniel Michael David played in first gig in 1965. It's been day jobs and night gigs ever since, but now he is ...
I looked up, and see [Lively]. She’s got her phone up [like she’s recording me],” Kaitlyn Cooper claimed in an interview ...
As the Chicano and antiwar movements swept over Texas, he sang protest ... popular Laredo groups such as Strange Brew and The Dismal Swamp before returning to Austin in 1971 or '72.
Houston local Kaitlyn Cooper recalled staying at the The Hotel 1928 in Waco, Texas, with her mother on ... duo that Lively — who just came from Austin where she promoted her new movie “Another ...
The year was 1973, and the only high-rises were the waistlines of bell-bottom jeans. Three UT art students gathered at the ...
The bill, authored by State Rep. Briscoe Cain, would have allowed the state to amend or repeal laws, ordinances and policies ...