Shield Ranch and the city of Austin finalized a 202-acre conservation easement to protect the land from future development.
Just before 8 p.m., the Austin Fire Department (AFD) said crews were on the scene of a “reported roof fire” in the 1500 block ...
Jacob's Well -The Blue Hole -Barton Springs Pool -Food Trucks -The Oasis -Buc-Eee's -Riverwalk in San Antonio, TX -Gruene Hall in Gruene, Texas New Adventure and Behind-The-Scenes videos every ...
Texas Lottery Commission says it is banning all lottery courier services in the state. Lawmakers want to know why the agency did not do this sooner, and why it passed rules that went against state ...
Offering more than a dozen electric vehicle charging stations when the development opens, with room for at least 30 more in ...
AUSTIN (KXAN) — Residents of a south Austin ... for a two-story building with a roof on fire in the 1500 block of Barton Springs Road, De La Reza said. It went to a second alarm, because AFD ...
Due to cold overnight temperatures, the City of Austin will open its cold weather shelters overnight on Friday, Feb. 21.
Austin reported more than 340 people in its warming centers Wednesday night. The One Texas Center off Barton Springs and ...
Before six strangers moved into a revamped warehouse on San Jacinto for the 'Real World', MTV was already enamored with Austin.