At least some legit weed companies in what prohibitionists might call this Brave New Arizona don’t plant seeds. Meet and ...
Before you dig a garden, it's important to figure out what type of soil you have and then select plants (and amend your soil) ...
I love having plants around the house, especially in the bathroom, which helps keep toxins out and improve air quality.
There's no better way to learn about gardens than to walk through them. Now more than 200 are going public—for a day or two.
From taking your lighting to Clark Griswold-status to planting a towering oak smack dab on the property line, there are ...
One of the reasons I might get some hate mail for devoting late March garden column space to the lowly lawn is that gardeners ...
If you’ve ever had a dog, you know they don’t exactly tiptoe through the tulips. I’m fortunate that none of mine ever had a ...
Speaking to Yahoo, the Invasive Species Council's Dr Carol Booth branded buffel one of Australia's "most devastating invaders ...
This MIFGs competition garden showcases everything it means to be a Aussie kid on a hot summer's day, and we love how it ...
The number of fungi species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ has surpassed 1,000, confirming that deforestation, ...
Gardening has benefits beyond saving money on groceries. Research shows that taking up gardening betters a person's physical ...
The Telegraph has compiled a list of the best independent garden centres to visit this spring, with a gorgeous spot near Colchester highlighted.