Three young black bear cubs from the Dryden area are receiving round-the-clock care at a southern Ontario rehabilitation ...
Grizzly-on-black bear predation isn’t often witnessed by people, and it’s extremely rare to capture it on film. That’s why a recent series of videos out of British Columbia, Canada of a ...
The descendants of a woman who lost her treaty status when she married are taking Little Black Bear First Nation to court ...
A black bear has come to eat. It's spawning season. Egg-heavy fish glut the streams of Gribbell Island, a small piece of Canada's Great Bear Rainforest, one of the largest coastal temperate rain ...
A post on the Around the Block Lumby Facebook page is advising people about a bear den on the West Salmon Trail. But bear dens are not uncommon, or unexpected in the region.
Average-sized adult males weigh 300 lbs. and females 150 lbs. The black bear once occurred over most of North America from Alaska and Canada south into the central regions of northern Mexico, but now ...
For millennia the Kitasoo native people on Canada’s Pacific coast have known ... But as a reminder of the ice age, he caused every 10th black bear to be white. The formal name is Kermode bear.
A nonprofit that monitors wild horse populations in Alberta, Canada, on Saturday shared dramatic trail-cam footage of wild horses fleeing an attacking grizzly bear. “This 2023 Grizzly chase will ...