Guvernul danez intenÈ›ionează să trimită până la 300 de prizonieri străini într-o închisoare din Kosovo, în încercarea de a ...
Comitetul ONU împotriva Torturii cere guvernului danez să se abÈ›ină de la "închirierea închisorilor în afara teritoriului său ...
Pe 8 februarie, Google Maps a sărbătorit 20 de ani de la lansarea în America de Nord. Aniversarea are loc în contextul în ...
Kosovars voted Sunday in parliamentary elections that could determine who will lead the Kosovo side in negotiations with Serbia, which stalled last year. Prime Minister Albin Kurti's party ...
Kosovo PM Kurti seeks re-election in Feb 9 polls EU says Kurti stoked ethnic tensions, imposes economic curbs Curbs halt development projects and may dent Kurti popularity PRIZREN, Kosovo, Feb 6 ...
Kosovo's Prime Minister Albin Kurti has claimed victory for his party in Sunday's parliamentary elections, although partial results suggest he is short of a majority. Kurti's ruling Vetevendosje ...
Kosovo, one of Europe's poorest countries beset with rocky relations with its larger neighbour Serbia, holds parliamentary elections Sunday. Here are five things to know about the former Serbian ...
Eligible voters, including those of the diaspora, were casting ballots to elect 120 lawmakers among 26 political groupings and one independent candidate in a vote held from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. This is ...
Copyright 2025 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. Lumir Abdixhiku addresses supporters during a campaign rally ahead of the parliamentary election in Istog ...
Palaiseau – La Paris s-a dat startul unui maraton în jurul InteligenÅ£ei Artificiale (IA). Luni ÅŸi marÅ£i, la iniÅ£iativa preÅŸedintelui francez Emmanuel Macron, are loc un summit IA la care ...
Experts say the campaign for Kosovo’s February 9 general election has been marred by an ‘unprecedented and incomprehensible’ level of negativity, with hate speech becoming the ‘norm’.
Ulan Bator, capitala Mongoliei, a cunoscut cea mai rece noapte din acest sezon, joi spre vineri, când temperaturile au scăzut la minus 37 de grade Celsius, conform AgenÅ£iei NaÅ£ionale de Meteorologie ...