Taking clear inspiration from classics such as SimAnt and Dungeon Keeper, players will be able to dig through the earth, build tunnels and chambers, hunt for food and raise large colonies.
This is the metadata section. Skip to content viewer section. The 102 species of ants known to occur on the Archbold Biological Station in Highlands Co., Florida are listed with annotations on their ...
Gdy nadchodzi niebezpieczeÅ„stwo, niektóre zwierzÄ™ta nie uciekajÄ… — uwalniajÄ… niesamowite, niemal niewiarygodne Å›rodki obronne. Od owadów, które eksplodujÄ… na komendÄ™, po jaszczurki, które tryskajÄ… ...
When danger strikes, some animals don’t run—they unleash incredible, almost unbelievable defenses. From insects that explode on command to lizards that squirt blood from their eyes, these natural ...
Cette liste est incomplète. Elle recense tous les genres de fourmis connus dans le monde. Ceux qui ne sont plus considérés comme valides dans la nomenclature actuelle sont marqués d'une astérisque (*) ...