The fire district now covers all of Butte-Silver Bow County — 719 square miles — and given current staffing levels of paid ...
Three people are dead after a house fire in Somerset. The fire broke out around 2 a.m. Tuesday at a home on Parkers Mill Road ...
The surprise bombardment early Tuesday shattered a ceasefire in place since January and threatened to fully reignite the 17-month-old war.
White and two juvenile accomplices used a crow bar to fatally beat a blind 75-year-old and two other seniors while robbing ...
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) -- Several animals were killed early Monday morning in a barn fire off Newburg Road in Louisville.
The deadliest tornado in recorded U.S. history occurred 100 years ago. The Tri-State Tornado touched down in southeastern ...
A suspect was killed in an officer-involved shooting with a Lyon County Sheriff’s deputy early Monday morning. Lyon County Sheriff Brent White reported that shortly after midnight a deputy was sent to ...
Tim Foster, 40, has developed pneumonia while hospitalized for traumatic injuries sustained in a March 8 dirt bike crash in Eden, authorities said ...
The owners of Brough Brothers bourbon in Kentucky were hoping to cultivate new markets in Canada and Europe, but then the trade war started.
Lawmakers in Kentucky are considering a bill aimed at muting the threat of spreading chronic wasting disease (CWD) and, in ...