Escher Lefkoff is a pinball prodigy. He has been playing the retro arcade game longer than he can remember. "[My dad] would hold me up as a baby and I would just drool all over the playfield glass ...
Prints and multiples, the complete set of 17 lithographs hors-texte, on hand-made Japanese Yame paper chine collé to handmade Twinrocker paper, with full margins ...
Plaintiffs: Mack Escher, Gun Owners’ Action League, Commonwealth Second Amendment, Firearms Policy Coalition, Second Amendment Foundation, National Rifle Association, and Gun Owners of America ...
Pablo Picasso knew how to make a woman happy: In the autumn of 1951, months after he had begun an on-and-off affair with author Geneviève Laporte, 25 to his 70, he gave her a lithograph he had made.