BRUSSELS — European Council President António Costa announced a video conference of European leaders Wednesday morning ahead of the special summit scheduled for March 6. “To prepare for the Special ...
Trump je v odgovorih na vprašanja novinarjev pred začetkom pogovorov v Beli hiši pohvalil svoj "poseben" odnos z Macronom in zagotovil, da mu bo v "nekaj tednih" uspelo končati sovražnosti v Ukrajini, ...
Ursula von der Leyen arrived in Kyiv by train on Monday morning to mark the third anniversary of the start of Russia's war against Ukraine and as Donald Trump's big push for negotiations rattles ...
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and European Council President António Costa arrived in Kyiv on the morning of 24 February. Source: António Costa; Ursula von der Leyen Quote from ...
Bruselj, 19. februarja - Države članice Evropske unije so se danes po navedbah diplomatov dogovorile o 16. svežnju sankcij proti Rusiji zaradi njene agresije na Ukrajino, ki je med drugim namenjen ...
Donald Trump launches a fresh attack on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, calling him a "dictator" and saying he has done a "terrible job" Trump also accuses Zelensky of "refusing to have ...
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for the creation of an "army of Europe" amid rising concern the US may no longer come to the continent's aid. Speaking at the Munich Security ...