It took thousands of years to develop the world's extraordinary range of domesticated farm animals—an estimated 8,800 ...
A group of microscopic sunflower sea star larva arrived at Shedd Aquarium last year and have been bulking up behind the ...
Human actions, such as incidental fishing and ineffective policies, push one-third of shark populations toward extinction.
Over 30 million years ago, monkeys crossed the Atlantic on rafts. Researchers believe they made the 1,000-mile journey on ...
On first inspection, the Cuban blue-headed quail dove doesn't look like much: drab brown feathers, a slender beak, a pronounced strut in their walk ...
Data shows that while retention bans are a positive first step, they alone won’t be sufficient to stop the ongoing decline.
Jane Goodall is returning to the Monterey Peninsula to speak at Sunset Center on April 7, during a sold-out lecture on behalf ...
Environmental engineer Gian Paolo Daguer leads a volunteer network saving Colombia's endangered native fruits through social ...
A region in China’s Turpan-Hami Basin served as a refugium - or “life oasis”- for terrestrial plants during the end-Permian ...
Researchers recently captured a photo of a marbled cat in India's Dehing Patkai National Park, providing hope for the wildcat ...
American crocodile nests were first discovered in the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station's cooling canals in 1977.
The creature was first recorded by Charles Darwin on his five-week visit to the island of Floreana, in Ecuador's Galápagos ...