News from around the metro Atlanta dining scene, including local restaurateurs opening their Italian villa to guests, a new brunch at the Four Seasons and $1 fish tacos.
I’m glad to see the Adirondack Daily Enterprise asking serious questions, specifically financial ones, about a proposed emergency services complex currently planned for 33 Petrova Ave. It’s an ...
Black entrepreneurs have been locked out for too long. Through Pronghorn and Lobos 1707, Dia Simms is making sure the next generation gets in – and gets paid.
What does the data include? 999M building footprint polygon geometries located around the world in line delimited GeoJSON format. Due to the way we process the data, file extensions are .csv.gz see ...
The term Bigfoot was coined by a California newspaper article that appeared in the Humboldt Times in 1958, reporting on loggers who discovered mysteriously large, 16-inch human-like footprints in ...
The Bolivian community of Sullkatiti has recovered what is considered the world's oldest human footprint set in stone - which could be some 15 million years old - after it was apparently stolen to be ...
The FDA has pro­hib­it­ed two API man­u­fac­tur­ers from ship­ping prod­ucts to the US, with the agency re­port­ing it found bare foot­prints in one pro­duc­er’s fa­cil­i­ty … ...
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Reindeer (also known as caribou) are a member of the deer family, native to the tundra, boreal forests, and mountains of the extreme frigid north. In human culture, they are a staple of northern ...
PHOENIX (AZFamily) — Footprint Center signage is being removed from the downtown arena that’s home to the Phoenix Suns as the organization searches for a new naming partner. Work to remove the ...