Not long ago, Hungary wasn't on the radar for many Americans. But the small country in central Europe — about the size of Indiana — has become the envy of some American conservatives in recent ...
You can get in touch with Peter by emailing [email protected]. Languages: English. Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, nicknamed the "strongman of Europe," had previously held the post ...
The Hungarian man who police said was responsible for two brutal murders in Miami-Dade County is now believed to have been targeting members of the LGBTQ+ community. City of Miami Police Chief ...
Orban extends tax cuts ahead of 2026 election To cap housing loan interest rates at 5% Ready to reimpose food price caps, limit profits Ukraine will not join EU against Hungary's interests ...
Hungary has emerged as the main roadblock for the European Union as member states attempt to close ranks and strengthen their unified position in reaction to Donald Trump's disruptive push for ...
Zsolt Zsolyomi, 25, a Hungarian national, is charged with second-degree murder in both cases, according to jail records. "Both victims were elderly, disabled males," Miami police said in a news ...
MIAMI — A Hungarian national is facing murder charges after two separate death investigations in Miami-Dade County found him to be the person responsible, an arrest warrant said. Zsolt Zsolyomi ...
(AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite, File) WASHINGTON (AP) — A unanimous Supreme Court on Friday dealt a severe blow to Holocaust survivors and their families in a long-running lawsuit seeking compensation ...
The Supreme Court unanimously sided with Hungary on Friday by rejecting a group of Holocaust survivors’ legal theory that sought to haul the country into American courts to pay compensation.
A group of Holocaust victims may not sue Hungary in American courts to recover property stolen during World War II because their funds were comingled with other funds, the Supreme Court ruled ...
A unanimous Supreme Court on Friday threw out a ruling by a federal appeals court that allowed a lawsuit brought by survivors of the Hungarian Holocaust to go forward. The survivors contended that ...