Okay, so I’ve literally been doing this wrong my whole life, I thought. My mentality had always been get in, get out, and go as high up to dislodge whatever was causing the bleeding. According to ...
Research has found as many as six in 10 children have rotting teeth by the age of five, so it seems we all need to 'brush' up ...
Regular flossing may do more than just improve dental hygiene — it could also help substantially reduce the risk of stroke, according to new research. A study presented Wednesday at the 2025 American ...
FRIDAY, Jan. 31, 2025 (HealthDay News) -- Dental flossing is associated with a lower risk for ischemic and cardioembolic stroke and atrial fibrillation (AF), according to a study presented at the ...
Flossing is associated with a 22% lower risk of clot-caused stroke, and a 44% lower risk of a stroke caused by blood clots traveling from the heart, results show. Flossers also had a 12% lower ...
Flossing your teeth at least once a week can lower the risk of stroke, according to a new study. The study asked 6,278 participants questions about their dental habits and looked at their health ...
People who floss at least once a week have 22% lower risk of stoke caused by a blood clot They also had a 44% lower risk of stroke caused by blood clots traveling from the heart ...