Find out which expert-approved knee braces can help you cope after surgery or allow you to safely return to the activities ...
If you’re looking to figure out what pain in different parts of the knee means, and for specific strategies to address your ...
nociceptive pain or central sensitisation), or on different structural or biomechanical features. Investigations could then investigate whether different subgroups influence the large individual ...
A detailed clinical examination and comprehensive treatment programme including specific interventions to address pain, scapular dysfunction and rotator cuff weakness are recommended. The inclusion of ...
Research has shown that taking willow bark may be as effective as taking conventional anti-inflammatory medications for the relief of knee pain and musculoskeletal pain. In addition to salicin, willow ...
To diagnose the source of back pain, your healthcare provider will perform a physical exam, ask questions about where it hurts and when. If your healthcare provider thinks there is facet joint ...
New Hunt's House, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9RT Join us at the SIRPA Conference 2025 where we’ll explore the latest innovations, research, and clinical practices in treating chronic pain and other .